Lisi Raskin
Since 1998, Lisi Raskin has traveled to remote locations exploring the intersection of nuclear-age fears and utopian mythologies as they manifest in oral histories and the architectures of the Cold War. Raskins on-site research has informed the making of paintings, drawings, objects, videos, and large, constructed environments that she has exhibited internationally. Slowly but surely, Raskin’s installations have become laboratories where the artist deliberately builds bridges between politicized subject matter, utopian architecture, abstraction, collaborative making, non-hierarchical interventions into normative systems of power, and radical pedagogy. Her web projects have been published in Triple Canopy magazine, with The Dia Foundation, and on Creative Time Global Reports. She has built large-scale environments at the 11th International Istanbul Biennale, the 2nd Athens Biennale, and the 3rd Singapore Biennale. She has installed site-sensitive sound projects in the 1st Time Machine Biennale of Contemporary Art, D-O Ark Underground and the Momentum 7 Biennale of Nordic Art. Raskin was born in Miami, Florida. She received her BA in Fine Arts from Brandeis University and her MFA from Columbia University. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and grants including a Creative Time Global Residency Grant, the Guna S Mundheim Berlin Prize at the American Academy in Berlin, among others. Raskin is currently department head of Sculpture at RISD and a member of the rock band Da Peeblz. With this group, she is working on an intersectional, feminist, childrens propaganda album.