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Maria Iñigo Clavo

Maria Iñigo Clavo is an artist and a researcher with a Ph.D. from Universidad Complutense of Madrid. She has been Research Officer for the AHRC Project Meeting Margins: Transnational Art in Europe & Latin America 1950-1978, University of Essex. Between 2008 and 2011 she has taught at the European University of Madrid and inthe MA of Curating Latin American art at the University of Essex with a focus in multiculturalism, postcolonial theory, and art in Latin America. Her work has appeared in magazines such as Revista de Occidente; Bilboquet; Espacio, Tiempo y Forma (UNED); Concinnitas (UERJ), Sur/Versión (Rómulo Gallegos Fundation) Re-visiones (Complutense University of Madrid), and Lugar Común (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). She has contributed to the books On Public Memory (UNED) and Readings for a Curious Spectator (CA2M press). She has curated exhibitions and events at Matadero Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Le Cube in Rabat, were she curated the exhibition Tradition, Translation, Trahison with Anna Raimondo in January 2013.

involved in:

Panel Discussion: Constructing a Place

Laura F. Gibellini, Based on True Story 5, 2012, pigmented ink print on paper, 11 x 16.9 in., series of 7 Panel Discussion: Constructing a Place Sunday, January 27, 2013 3–4:30pm Curatorial Hub @ TEMP Art Space 57 Walker Street New York, NY 10013 Conceived as a transdisciplinary discussion, this event is considered as an […]

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