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Pablo Helguera

Born in 1970 in Mexico City, Pablo Helguera is a New York-based visual artist. His work generally acquires unusual formats, ranging from experimental symposiums, the creation of fictional artists, phonograph recordings, exhibition audio-guides, publications or nomadic museums, and touches on topics of pedagogy, cognition, politics, history, fiction, and memory. His project The School of Panamerican Unrest (2003-08) consisted in driving the entire length of the Panamerican highway with a portable schoolhouse, conducting workshops and performances along the way, and is considered the most extensive public art project ever realized. He has presented his work individually at MoMA (performance Parallel Lives, 2003), RCA in London, and at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC. He has participated in many international biennials, including the 8th Havana Biennial, the Liverpool Biennial, and PERFORMA. Helguera is currently the Director of Adult and Academic Programs of the Education Department of MoMA.

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