Rolando Hernández
Hernández’s practice is being developed between the fields of curatorship, archive research, performativity, composition and art production with a strong focus on sound and the elements that surrounds it. Since 2013 he runs and co-curates alongside Gudinni Cortina, Umbral, a project space and festival in Mexico and Oaxaca City that exhibits practices that have sound as its main foucs and since 2015 he`s the director of CCADDASM (Centro de Creación, Archivo y Difusión de Documentos de Arte Sonoro en México) an artistic institution that is creating an archive of sound practices in México that will help to visibilise practices around sound in the history of Mexico and making projects to exhibit the research such as curatorial projects, installations, performative conferences or workshops. During 2018, he s finishing the curatorial project “Imaginate todo aquello que no podrías imaginarte nunca” a web documentary showing the experimentation during the 80`s in Mexico City looked through the archive of Angel Cosmos (1949-1993), curator, editor, artist, but most important, Poet with capital letters. He is also preparing the first retrospective exhibition of swiss composer Manfred Werder and mexican collector and musical dealer Arturo Castillo to be shown next year in Mexico.
involved in:
Curatorial Intensive in Mexico City: Public Symposium
Intensivo Curatorial Ciudad de México: Simposio Público Jueves 18 de enero, 2018 15-18:30hrs Fundación Alumnos47 Alumnos #47 Col. San Miguel Chapultepec C.P. 11850 Del. Miguel Hidalgo, México, DF Entrada libre Los participantes del Intensivo Curatorial Ciudad de México presentarán las propuestas de proyecto y exposición que han desarrollado durante el programa. El Intensivo Curatorial es […]
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