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Ximena Moreno

Ximena Moreno is a researcher based in Santiago, Chile. She received her MA in Global Arts from Goldsmiths University of London. Her work focuses on managing visual arts projects and research for publishing and curatorial purposes. While in London, she collaborated writing for Artishock and La Panera Magazine. Until March 2017, she was the producer at The Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), which belongs to Universidad de Chile. She participated in “Towards Tomorrow’s Museum” programme at Tate Modern, London and in “Politics of near Futures: Possibilities, Prophecies, Prognoses” a summer school at Heidelberg University. Moreno received Becas Chile (2013-2014) a scholarship given by the Chilean government and also Santander Scholarship for Latin American students (2013) given by Goldsmith University of London. Currently she is co-founder of Revista Porvenir, a visual culture digital magazine and professor. Starting in April 2017, she will work as the Coordinator of Visual Arts at Matucana 100, a Cultural Center located in Santiago.

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2017 Curatorial Intensive in New Orleans: Public Symposium

2017 Curatorial Intensive in New Orleans: Public Symposium Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:30–6pm Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans (CAC) 900 Camp Street New Orleans, LA 70130 FREE and open to the public The Curatorial Intensive participants of the 2017 New Orleans program will each present their exhibition and project proposals, which they have developed over […]

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