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Book Launch: Mnemosyne Atlas

Alexander Provan, The Nature of Things, 2012, digital image Mnemosyne Atlas Book Launch Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:30-8pm ICI Curatorial Hub 401 Broadway, Suite 1620 New York, NY 10013 Artist Freya Powell presents Mnemosyne Atlas, an intimate archive and attempt at mapping a collective social memory of 2012. Seen through the contributions of 68 artists, curators, writers, social activists and others, the Atlas brings together individual memories, navigating them through moments of connection and disconnection to chart a year-long narrative that questions the possibility of collective memory. Contributors Alexander Provan, Alyssa Casey, Amy Fung-yi Lee, Ana Conner, Aurora de Armendi, Azikiwe Mohammed, Becky Brown, Bill Phipps, Brandon Finegold, Carey Denniston, Carly French, Chris Pontbriant, Christina Freeman, Christine Shan Shan Hou, Christopher Rivera, Claire DeVoogd, Claudia Peña Salinas, Colin Stearns, Constance DeJong, Daniele Genadry, Denise Carvalho, Elena del Rivero, Elisa Soliven, Erin Sickler, Felicity Hogan, Freya Powell, Gabriel de Guzman, Glen Baldridge, Hank Powell, Irgin Sena, Jane Powell, Jay Muhlin, Jesse Malmed, Katie Cercone, Kerry Downey, Kevin Kelly, Kim Hoeckele, Kiran Chandra, Laura Frantz, Lex Braes, Lia Zaaloff, Linda Miller, Lisa Corinne Davis, Lothar Osterburg, Lotte Allen, Marika Plater, Marta Jovanovi?, Martin Roth, Matt Dineen, Matthew Bymaster, Misa Jeffereis, Miya Ando, Nadia Haji Omar, Nate Carey, Nobutaka Aozaki, Patricia Dominguez, Paul Ramirez Jonas, Pavel Goldflam, Roman Hrab, Samuel Lang Budin, Sarah Hollars, Sean Paul Gallegos, Seldon Yuan, Sheila Murphy, Tamara Gonzalez, Tara Tabassi, Yevgeniy Fiks, Yi Yunyi, Zachary Powell This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to rsvp@curatorsintl.org with ATLAS in the subject field.

June 12, 2013- - June 12, 2013 @ ICI Curatorial Hub

401 Broadway, Suite 1620 New York, NY 10013


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