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Curatorial Intensive in New Orleans: Public Symposium

Curatorial Intensive in New Orleans: Public Symposium Saturday, January 24, 2015 11am–5pm Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans (CAC) 900 Camp Street New Orleans, LA 70130 FREE and open to the public Join the Curatorial Intensive participants in New Orleans on January 24 for a public symposium, where the participants present their exhibition and project proposals that they have developed throughout the course of the program. Symposium Schedule Welcome and Session 1: 11:00am–12:30pm Break: 12:30–1:30pm Sessions 2 and 3: 1:30–5:00pm This program, focusing on regional networks, brings together emerging curators from across the American South and around the world for the opportunity to exchange ideas, develop their curatorial practice, and explore Prospect.3: Notes for Now, the international biennial curated by Franklin Sirmans. To learn more about the program, click HERE. Participants include: Brandon Alvendia (Chicago, IL), Paulina Ascencio (Zapopan, Mexico), Charles Campbell (Kingston, Jamaica), Katherine Cohn (New York, NY), Marcela Correa (New Orleans, LA), Ryan N. Dennis (Houston, TX), Lauren Schell Dickens (Washington, D.C.), Saisha Grayson (New York, NY), Katherine Gressel (New York, NY), Melissa Messina (Savannah, GA), Felicia Mings (Chicago, IL), and Yesomi Umolu (Lansing, MI). This event is free and open to the public, though seating is limited. Please RSVP to rsvp@curatorsintl.org with SYMPOSIUM in the subject line.

January 24, 2015- - January 24, 2015 @ Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans (CAC)

Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans (CAC) 900 Camp Street New Orleans, LA 70130


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