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Curator’s Perspective: Hou Hanru

ICI launches the Fall 2011 Curator’s Perspective series with a lecture by Hou Hanru, Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs and the Chair of the Exhibitions and Museum Studies program at the San Francisco Art Institute. The Curator’s Perspective is free of charge and open to the public, though seating is limited. To RSVP please contact Chelsea Haines at chelsea@curatorsintl.org.

The Curator’s Perspective: Hou Hanru has been made possible, in part, by grants from the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts; by in-kind support from Hunter College; and by generous contributions from the ICI Board of Trustees, ICI Benefactors Barbara and John Robinson, and ICI Partners and Patrons.

September 28, 2011- - September 28, 2011 @ Hunter College

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