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Martha Wilson Artist Talk and Book Launch

Join the Mills College Art Department and Art Museum in honoring Martha Wilson as the recipient of the Jane Green Endowment for Studies in Art History and Criticism. For this presentation, Wilson will trace her work as a performance artist, activist, and the founder and ongoing Director of Franklin Furnace, the New York-based alternative art space that has for 35 years championed temporal art. This Fall, the Martha Wilson Sourcebook: 40 Years of Reconsidering Feminism, Performance, Alternative Spaces, an anthology of writings from 18th century English literature to current texts, was published by Independent Curators International. The Sourcebook is a collection of primary research material consisting of rare archival documents and excerpts of landmark publications that influenced Wilson, such as Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex, Erving Goffman’s The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Susan Sontag’s On Photography, and Lucy Lippard’s C 7,500 catalog. The Sourcebook will be available for purchase for $25. For more information, visit ICI’s shop here. This event is presented by the Jane Green Endowment for Studies in Art History and Criticism and is the first lecture of the Mills MFA Lecture Series.

October 26, 2011- - October 26, 2011 @ Lisser Theater, Mills College

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