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Nuevo Museo de Arte Contempora?neo (NuMu)

Image: Sol LeWitt, Wall Drawing #989 / Aníbal López, For Rent, exterior view of installation for the exhibition “(let’s) do it”, NuMu (Nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporáneo), Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2015. In collaboration with Independent Curators International. NuMu Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:30–8pm ICI Curatorial Hub 401 Broadway, Suite 1620 FREE and open to the public Nuevo Museo de Arte Contempora?neo (NuMu) is the first and only contemporary art museum in Guatemala, dedicated exclusively to supporting, exhibiting, and documenting contemporary art. Founded in 2012, NuMu is an artist-run space, co-founded and directed by artists Stefan Benchoam and Jessica Kaire?. Central to NuMu’s mission is to offer the necessary support to realize artistic projects of great value, despite the shortage of local institutions, and both private and governmental funding. NuMu re-evaluates what it means to be a contemporary art museum in the 21st century, in both the local context of Guatemala City and the international art scene. For this talk at the ICI Curatorial Hub, Jessica Kairé will discuss the development of NuMu and how she envisions its exhibitions and programs. This event is free and open to the public. To attend, please RSVP to rsvp@curatorsintl.org with NUMU in the subject line.

March 10, 2016- - March 10, 2016 @ ICI Curatorial Hub

ICI Curatorial Hub 401 Broadway, Suite 1620 New York, NY 10013


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