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SMoCA Fall Opening Celebration featuring People’s Biennial

Friday, October 28 · 7:00pm – 9:00pm Mingle with the all the exhibiting artists while enjoying four new exhibitions and the new SMoCA Lounge. Experience a breakdancing/painting performance by People’s Biennial artist, Joseph ‘Sentrock’ Perez, sample homemade ice cream by Portland artist Rudy Speerschneider and raise your glass at the no-host bar in the SMoCA Lounge, designed by Janis Leonard (of AZ88 & Hanny’s fame). The Opening Party is free and open to the public. Exhibitions include: “People’s Biennial” (featuring AZ artists Gary Freitas, Jim Grosbach, David Hoelzinger, Beatrice Moore, Joseph Perez, Andrea Sweet & Paul Wilson; plus Beatrice Moore’s ‘Mutant Pinata’ artists including Mike Maas, Ana Forner, Chris Clark, Tom Cooper & Koryn Woodward Wasson) “Artists Tell Stories (mostly about themselves)” – with visiting artists Deb Sokolow (Artforum’s recent critic’s pick) and Jonathan Gitelson “Kirsten Everberg: Looking for Edendale” – this will be Kirsten’s first solo Museum show. You can meet her on the night of the opening! The young@art Gallery will feature “Speak Peace: American Voices Respond to Vietnamese Children’s Paintings” – the gallery will have poems by Phoenix High School students alongside the paintings & drawings. Honorable mentions: Mexican-born artist Hector Zamora, who currently resides in Brazil, will also be in attendance. Hector is slated to create an installation for SMoCA’s next iteration of its on-going series ‘Architecture + Art’ in Fall 2012.

October 28, 2011- - October 28, 2011 @ Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA)

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