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Posted on August 16, 2014

With Hidden Noise artist Andrea Parkins’ installation Three Rooms in the Memory Palace – Part 1. will be presented at Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center in New York, August 18 – 22, 2014. Three Rooms in the Memory Palace is a three part electroacoustic work-in-progress, and the upcoming exhibition will feature part 1 – an 8-channel generative audio work. Parkins is a composer, sound artist and improvising electroacoustic performer, and her work is included in With Hidden Noise, currently on view at the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle. Her installations have been presented at venues such as the Whitney Museum of American Art and The Kitchen in New York, and at international festivals such as Mexico City’s 1st International Sound Art Festival.

Harvestworks writes about Parkins’ Three Rooms in the Memory Palace:

“Three Rooms in the Memory Palace” is a continuation of this work and also an investigation of tensions between “the real” and the ephemeral, and of slippages between phenomenological experience, memory and the poetic uncanny.”

To learn more about the upcoming exhibition, visit the Harvestworks website, here.

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