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Candice Hopkins in ARTnews

 Candice Hopkins in ARTnews

Posted on June 26, 2019

Queer, Chicanx reporter Maximilíano Durón’s latest ARTnews feature highlights Candice Hopkins, co-curator of Soundings: An Exhibition in Five Parts, and the powerful ways in which she centers Indigeneity and decolonial practice through listening:

“The question that has long been central to Hopkins’s curatorial process is, “How can we open up a space again to other voices?” As more and more arts institutions race to present the work of contemporary indigenous artists, this question has become more urgent than ever. For Hopkins, it’s important to understand that artists can speak for themselves. “In art we have these very bad tendencies to represent the ‘other,’ ” she said. “We can still have more complicated discussions about identity, but, in order to have them, we have to confront that. It’s more of a deeper question of who’s representing whom and who’s speaking for whom.”“

To read the full review, continue here.

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