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I absolutely like new natural methods of reefkeeping, and you can a ‘fuge is one of the better

Posted on May 4, 2022

I absolutely like new natural methods of reefkeeping, and you can a ‘fuge is one of the better

Live material versus. hermit crabs >I have one or two 55 gallon container and you may 45lbs. off Fiji live rock that is recovering. In one tank You will find 25 bluish legged hermit crabs and throughout the most other I’ve zero hermit crabs. Basically lay 1 / 2 of the fresh new stone within the for every single tank does it be ok with the fresh hermit crabs? >>Really don’t understand why maybe not. >I know they are “reef safe” however, at any given time I had 10lbs. from real time material about tank that have 10 blue legged hermits and so they ate this new stone in order to demise. The newest algae and you will development was moved. >>Was serving her or him actually, especially put a small amount from shrimp, Nori, or perhaps the such as for example (something that will stay whole as they consume in the they). This should promote enough of an effective diversion to them. Don’t forget to add him or her several even more shells should they get sick and tired of the newest “flat”. >As well as, what’s you favourite means to fix establish a tank? I would be taking a 100 gallons and you will I don’t know basically have to match canister filter out, wet/dead, or a beneficial proportions sump. Thank you for all the let, Andy >>Better, since the you happen to be including scratch, I recommend considering utilizing a beneficial refugium. Start the homepage, look-in “marine tank blogs”, after that into the “set up”. Just Are trembling an adhere after all which is indeed there! 😉 Best of luck! Marina

Liquids quality was top in nuisance alga handle

Hermit crabs picking at live coral Hi, I really appreciate all the information I get from your site. I was searching on the necessity of hermit crabs and couldn’t find an answer to my question hence this email. I traded in my 40 gallon tank for a 25 gallon high because I move around at least 3 times a year and wanted something easier and cheaper to maintain. I took my 30 blue legged hermit crabs in as well as all my fish except for the two percula clowns and my fire shrimp. I have not had any success in keeping my corals alive until I got rid of the hermit crabs, they kept crawling on and picking at them. I am https://datingranking.net/escort-directory/tampa/ maintaining a reef tank now and want to add a lot more corals. My question is, am I required to have hermit crabs to control the hair and other algae on the rocks? I don’t think I should get another tang because my tank is too small for one. What would you suggest? Please help!

Towards the 25 I really don’t thought you want several far more

Little Blue I really enjoy your web site and find it very useful. Can you house blue legged hermit crabs with red scarlet hermits? I have a 55 gallon reef tank with 75lbs of live rock. The store manager at the place I buy my products says one will eat the other. Is this true?

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