Posted on October 13, 2014
Ryan Gander, Parallel Blackjack, 2010. Courtesy of the artist.
Stephanie Bailey for Hyperallergic recently interviewed Free Play artist Ryan Gander on the event of his latest solo exhibition, Make Every Show Like It’s Your Last, at the Manchester Art Gallery. The interview centers on Gander’s thoughts concerning education and creativity, and their role in both his own artistic practice and the general state of art-making today. On imagination, Gander likens its role to something akin to child’s play, imbuing everything with the potential to become art-like:
“…my daily life and my creative life have seamlessly merged: everything you do is a creative act. And when you are hyper aware of that, the things you do—the games you play with your children, the political party you vote for — everything is a creative act… And I’d like it to have people see that the choices they make in their lives — if they are thought about creatively—can make life more enjoyable.”
To read the full interview on Hyperallergic, click here.