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New Albums by With Hidden Noise artists Stephen Vitiello and Steve Roden

Posted on November 13, 2014

Album covers: Fable, Stephen Vitiello and Lawrence English and Flower & Water, Steve Roden. Image courtesy of Dragon’s Eye Recordings.

With Hidden Noise artists Stephen Vitiello and Steve Roden have both recently released new projects through Dragon’s Eye Recordings.

Vitiello’s work, titled Fable and created together with fellow artist Lawrence English, is the result of a three-year collaborative process and presents a haunting combination of field recordings and acoustic and electronic compositions. It is the artists’ second duet and, with its meditative and expertly-crafted tracks, Fable invites listeners to ponder their own interior spaces.

Flower & Water, a new project by Steve Roden, takes as its source material an early jazz recording of George Winston playing Medley: Bread Baker’s Stomp on the piano. Through physical manipulation of the original flexi-disc record, the artist has re-mixed the recording using solely analogue techniques. About the creation of the work, Roden says:

“So, rather than working within a virtual environment, I tried to keep the experiences as analog activities – with dust and hands, with scissors and scotch tape, and with the ways that sound is activated via dropping, sliding, and of course, listening. “

Learn more about both albums on the Dragon’s Eye Recordings website, here.

In addition to their independently produced projects, Stephen Vitiello and Steve Roden have also recently released an album through Room40, created in collaboration with each other. Titled The Spaces Contained in Each, the work was recorded during a joint residency on Governor’s Island and audibly documents the artists’ installation in the Cornelius Chapel. Like much of their previous work, The Spaces Contained In Each exists on the line between sculpture and sound, evoking in the listener a strongly tactile environment.

To find out more about the The Spaces Contained In Each, visit the Room40 website, here, and find a beautiful video from the album, here.

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