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The real truth about so-called “Sunni Islam”, one its wizards would not tell you. | Provide dos Sunnis

Posted on September 20, 2022

The real truth about so-called “Sunni Islam”, one its wizards would not tell you. | Provide dos Sunnis

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This information is a follow-up on the subject of your Oppression Of women During the (Sunni) “Islam”, with concentrate on the correct concept of nikah (eng. .

There are only two legal ic sunnah (Prophetic traditions) the Holy Quran; nikah (eng. marriage) and nikah mutah (eng. temporary marriage).

And legitimate for you try [all others] beyond such, [provided] that you look for her or him [in marriage] that have [gift suggestions regarding] your property, wishing chastity, maybe not illegal sexual activity

And you may [including prohibited to you personally are typical] hitched females but the individuals the correct hands have. [This is exactly] the decree of Allah on you. As there are zero fault upon you for what your mutually invest in not in the duty. Indeed, Allah is actually ever Understanding and you will Wise.

As per genuine (Shia) Muslim and Sunni sources, nikah mutah is based because an appropriate traditions from the Seal of the many Prophets, Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ??????) himself:

Therefore to have all you enjoy [from marriage] from their store, give them the owed payment due to the fact an obligation

Sunni range: ?a?i? Muslim. In Sunni “Islam”, it is noticed another (immediately after Sahih al-Bukhari) very authentic book pursuing the Quran.

Abdullah (b. Mas’ud) reported: We were into an expedition with Allah’s Messenger (Serenity be upon your) and we also had no females with our team. I said: Is we not have ourselves castrated? The guy (the Holy Prophet) forbade us to get it done. Then provided united states permission we is to deal short-term marriage to have a stipulated months providing her a scarf, and ‘Abdullah after that recited which verse: ‘Individuals who faith do not make illegal the good things that Allah has made legitimate for you, and don’t transgress. Allah will not including trangressers” (al-Qur’an, v. 87).

Thus for all you delight in [from matrimony] from their store, give them the due settlement as the an obligation

Sunni collection: ?a?i? Muslim. Into the Sunni “Islam”, it’s noticed another (after Sahih al-Bukhari) very authentic book after the Quran.

Jabir b. ‘Abdullah and you may Salama b. al-Akwa’ told you: Around found us this new proclaimer of Allah’s Messenger (Comfort end up being through to your) and you can told you: Allah’s Live messenger (Peace become on him) keeps granted you consent to benefit yourselves, we. age. so you’re able to price brief matrimony which have females.

Very getting anything you delight in [from relationships] from their store, provide them with its owed settlement as an obligation

Sunni range: ?a?i? Muslim. Into the Sunni “Islam”, it’s thought the following (once Sahih al-Bukhari) extremely real publication after the Quran.

Salama b. al. Akwa’ and you will Jabir b chat zozo. Abdullah advertised: Allah’s Messenger (Tranquility end up being through to your) concerned all of us and permitted us to deal short-term wedding.

Sunni range: Sunan Abu Dawood. For the Sunni “Islam”, it’s noticed the 3rd (immediately following Sahih al-Bukhari and you can Sahih Muslim) extremely authentic book following the Quran.

Source : Sunan Abi Dawud 2110 Within the-publication source : Guide several, Hadith 65 English translation : Publication eleven, Hadith 2105

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: The new Prophet (?) told you: If anyone gives as a dower to his wife two handfuls of flour or dates he has made her lawful for him.

It has also been transmitted by Abu Asim from Salih ibn Ruman, from Abuz Zubayr on the authority of Jabir who said: Inside life of brand new Live messenger from Allah (?) we used to contract temporary marriage for a handful of grain.

Therefore having everything you delight in [off relationships] from their website, provide them with the due settlement just like the an obligation

Sunni collection: ?a?i? Muslim. In the Sunni “Islam”, it’s thought the following (immediately following Sahih al-Bukhari) extremely genuine guide following the Quran.

Ibn Uraij stated: ‘Ati’ stated that Jibir b. Abdullah stumbled on carry out ‘Umra, and then we stumbled on his residence, in addition to someone requested your throughout the different things, after which it generated a reference to short-term relationships, whereupon he told you: Yes, we were benefiting ourselves from this brief relationship within the longevity of the brand new Holy Prophet (Tranquility getting on your) and you can at the time of Abi Bakr and you will ‘Umar.

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