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Jessica Stockholder

Jessica Stockholder

in Editions

Jessica Stockholder
Two and Fro, 2015
Metal, car side-view mirrors, industrial color paint
10 3/4 x 18 inches, approximately
Edition of 20
$5,000 + shipping

Jessica Stockholder paints in space. With a practice rooted in installation art, she combines objects to make new forms like a sculptor – yet uses color and composition like a painter.

She creates narratives and moments of magic by forging delicate relationships between the objects that compose her work. In Two and Fro, for example, stories emerge as the result of a simple juxtaposition. Stockholder brings together two common objects, a pair of car side-view mirrors, facing each other. One is displaced onto a “pop-art” zigzagging metal mesh plate, so that it faces the other with a warped perspective. The stories slowly begin to unfold in one’s imagination: now in close proximity, the mirrors allude to the absence of the car that usually separates them: a crash? Each mirror is printed with a dot of color that   resembles an eye in a cubist painting. Two eyes look into each other, they almost touch, opening up a world of reflective infinity.

A pioneer of contemporary installation art, Jessica Stockholder has been the subject of solo exhibitions at Dia Art Foundation, MoMA PS 1 New York, and the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, among many other art institutions; and her work has been seen in numerous group exhibitons internationally. She has realized public art installations at UCSF (2014), SFMOMA (2013), the Chicago Loop Alliance (2012), and in New York’s Madison Square Park (2009), and internationally in Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, and Switzerland.

Jessica Stockholder is represented by Mitchell-Innes and Nash, New York; and Kavi Gupta, Chicago | Berlin.

For more information, contact Francisco Correa Cordero, 212.254.8200, ext. 125 or francisco@curatorsintl.org.