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Innocent Ekejiuba

Innocent Ekejiuba is a project manager and art administrator with varying interests that include art, technology, social media, traditional journalism, educational reforms, and history. He is also a tech enthusiast, media analyst, literary critic, and a media advisor to Sankofa Initiative for Culture and Development, and FourthCanvas Design Agency. Innocent is currently the Project Manager for Invisible Borders Trans-African Organisation. In 2019, Innocent Ekejiuba collaborated with art critic and writer Yinka Elujoba to form their two-man curatorial collective, Kaito Collective.

involved in:

2019 Curatorial Intensive in Cape Town: Public Symposium

2019 Curatorial Intensive in Cape Town Public Symposium Wednesday, November 20, 2019 3–6:45pm University of Cape Town, Michaelis School of Fine Arts Campus 31 – 37 Orange St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa FREE and open to the public The participants of the Curatorial Intensive in Cape Town will present the exhibition and project […]

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