Performance Now The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center November 21, 2013 – January 19, 2014 Performance Now, on view at The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow, Russia through January, 2014, includes films, videos, installations and photographs by international artists who have contributed to the exponential growth in the field in the 21st century. Perfomance Now brings together the most significant artists working with performance today: Claire Fontaine, Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla, Santiago Sierra, Clifford Owens, Yael Bartana, Guy Ben-Ner, Marina Abramovic, William Kentridge among others. The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center will host a series of performances and a public talk with Performance Now artist Santiago Sierra throughout the run of the exhibition. Public Programs Artist talk with Santiago Sierra Moderated by Dr. Elena Petrovskaya, philosopher, culturologist, and writer. November 19, 2013 at 7:30 pm Free, reserve your ticket here. Performance: Ethics In Action Performance Program: PROVMYZA (Galina Myznikova Sergei Provorov) December 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm Click here to see the entire program for Performance: Ethics in Action, organized by the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture. For more information about Performance Now at The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow, Russia, visit their website.
Performance Now at The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
November 21, 2013- - January 19, 2014 @ The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Obraztsova St., 11, Building 1A Moscow, Russia
event updates
RoseLee Goldberg’s interview with Interview Magazine
RoseLee Goldberg В ноябре Еврейский музей и Центр толерантности покажет выставку куратора Розли Голдберг Performance Now, путешествующую сейчас по множеству городов во всем мире. Самый известный на сегодняшний день исследователь искусства перформанса, чья книга «Искусство перформанса: от футуристов до современности» переведена на десятки языков мира (на русском она выйдет в ноябре), приехала в Москву во […]
“Chapman Brothers, Trash on Pedestals and an Anthology of Performance,” from Interview
Christian Jankowski, Rooftop Routine, 2007. Photo courtesy of the artist. Что отличает экспрессивно проведенную ночь с субботы на воскресенье от хорошего перформанса? Много чего, как бы вас ни убеждали, что публичное шоу, которое вы закатили той же ночью — арт, и даже вполне себе про телесность, и даже у кого-то это вызвало, скажем так, катарсис. […]