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Research Awards for Curatorial Intensive Alumni

ICI / Joyce Foundation Research Fellowship

THE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS IS CURRENTLY CLOSED ICI is seeking applicants for the inaugural ICI / Joyce Foundation Research Fellowship for early-to-mid-career curators. This fellowship is geared toward Curatorial Intensive alumni, though we are open to any curator who fits the criteria below. As part of an ongoing partnership between ICI and the Joyce Foundation to support richer diversity in the curatorial field, this fellowship is available to African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, or Native American (ALAANA) curators based in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, or Wisconsin. Applicants must have 5 to 10 years of curatorial experience, and demonstrate how the fellowship will benefit their professional advancement by supporting ongoing research or a new idea for an exhibition, publication, public program, online platform, or any other curatorial project. There are two fellowships available. Each fellowship will take place over a period of four months between November 2017 and May 2018. Each curator will receive a stipend of $7,000 to be allocated for research and production, including up to $4,000 in travel funds. The fellows will be responsible for their own travel arrangements and will submit periodic reports to ICI. They will present their research in a public program held at ICI’s Curatorial Hub in New York, and publish a text on the Research section of ICI’s website. Application Guidelines Please submit a single PDF with the following information: • Current bio (250 words) • Project description (500 words) • Statement of intent on how this fellowship will help support you in developing your career (500 words) • Detailed budget Please email your application as a single PDF to Kimberly Kitada at kimberly@curatorsintl.org by October 22, 2017. About the Joyce Foundation The Joyce Foundation works with grantee partners to develop and advance policy reforms that promise to improve quality of life, promote community vitality, and strive for a fair society. Our grant making is driven by a belief that communities are stronger when they share benefits broadly among their people. That requires our public systems to get a few essentials right.

The Dedalus Foundation Research Award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni

Since 2012, the Dedalus Foundation and ICI have been collaborating on a $4,000 award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni to encourage productive networks between curators. The award supports alumni from any of the Curatorial Intensive programs in developing a research project in collaboration with at least one other alum. The requirements to qualify for the award are that the project involves a United States curator or artist, or that research will take place in the U.S. Eligible research projects must have a new aspect to them if they are not a completely new initiative and they must clearly define how the research involves collaboration between alumni. The research project will have a public component at some stage of its development, and awardees are expected to post intermittent updates on their project on ICI’s online research platform. THE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS IS CURRENTLY CLOSED For further information, contact Kimberly Kitada at kimberly@curatorsintl.org. About the Dedalus Foundation Founded in 1981 by the artist Robert Motherwell (1915–1991), the Dedalus Foundation educates the public by fostering public understanding of modern art and modernism through its support of research, education, publications, and exhibitions in this field. The Foundation owns the copyrights to all of Motherwell’s works in all mediums—including his writings, both published and unpublished—and inherited all of his professional papers, notebooks, and archives. The Dedalus Foundation has an active Grants Program, through which it has supported the activities of well over 100 institutions, and numerous individuals have received direct support through scholarships and fellowships. From 1993 through 2010, the Foundation has granted over $6 million in cash grants, almost exclusively in the United States.

SAHA Research Award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni

Since 2012, SAHA and ICI have been collaborating on a $3,000 award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni to encourage productive networks between curators. The award supports alumni from any of the Curatorial Intensive programs in developing a research project in collaboration with at least one other alum. The requirements to qualify for the award are that the project involves a curator or artist from Turkey, or that research will take place in Turkey. Eligible research projects must have a new aspect to them if they are not a completely new initiative and they must clearly define how the research involves collaboration between alumni. The research project should have a public component at some stage of its development, and awardees are expected to post intermittent updates on their project on ICI’s online research platform. THE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS IS CURRENTLY CLOSED For further information, contact Kimberly Kitada at kimberly@curatorsintl.org. About SAHA SAHA aims to contribute to the presence and visibility of contemporary art from Turkey on the international stage and to this end freely offers its support to artists, curators, and critics. SAHA supports the production of works that seek to bear witness to our times, which interact with different cultures and concern themselves with asking new questions; SAHA raises funds for artists, curators and critics to pursue such projects. SAHA acts as a facilitator in the realization of projects that have been commissioned or accepted by internationally acknowledged art institutions, supports the process of fundraising, and strives to enhance artists’ interactions with the art world’s international networks. SAHA’s main principle is to consider all points of view on an equal basis. SAHA’s objective is to establish an “open field” for contemporary art in Turkey and to achieve this within a free environment, with a democratic approach respectful of universal values.

Fellowship Updates

Recipients of the 2012 Research Awards for Curatorial Intensive Alumni

Övül Durmu?o?lu and Mari Spirito have been awarded the SAHA Research Award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni with their project Ancient Works / Asar-? Atika. The winners of the 2012 Dedalus Foundation Research Award are Maja ?iri? and David Ayala Alfonso, who both participated in the Curatorial Intensive in New York in Fall 2010.


Public Program Organized by the 2012 SAHA Research Fellows

Join ICI's 2012 Fellows Övül Durmuso?lu and Mari Spirito for a roundtable discussion with Rossella Biscotti and Akram Zaatari at SALT, Ankara.


2013 Research Awards for Curatorial Intensive Alumni

For the second year, ICI together with SAHA and the Dedalus Foundation are offering research awards to encourage productive networks between curators. The awards will support alumni from any of the past Curatorial Intensive programs developing a research project in collaboration with at least one other alumnus.


Recipients of the 2013 Research Awards for Curatorial Intensive Alumni

Congratulations to Gürsoy Do?ta? and Alejandra Labastida, who have been awarded the SAHA Research Award with their project Beklenen ?ark? (“The Expected Song”), which aims to explore the results of the military regime in 1980s Turkish Republic. The winners of the 2013 Dedalus Foundation Research Award are Anna Santomauro and Viviana Checchia.


Fellowship Awardees