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Photos from the event: Koyo Kouoh

Posted on January 28, 2013

Photos from the event: Constructing a Place

Posted on January 29, 2013

Photos from the event: The Art & Law Codex

Posted on February 15, 2013

Photos from the event: Terry Smith in Conversation with Julian Myers

Posted on February 18, 2013

Photos from the event: “Looking Back: 1993” with Hans Ulrich Obrist and Massimiliano Gioni

Photos from the event: Drawing Room Confessions

Posted on February 28, 2013

Photos from the event: Gregory Galligan: Thai Art Archives

Posted on March 2, 2013

Kathrin Rhomberg on ARTonAIR

Posted on March 12, 2013

Kathrin Rhomberg on ARTonAIR.org. Originally aired on October 29, 2012.

Based in Vienna, Austria, independent curator Kathrin Rhomberg shares “The Virtue of Unprofessionalism,” a lecture co-presented with the Austrian Cultural Forum New York. Rhomberg’s lecture correlates late ’90s and early 2000s Austrian politics with the commercialization of contemporary art. She also discusses the “freedom of art” and the affects of contemporary art on political debates, opinions and public consumption of art.

These programs are produced in partnership with the radio station of the Clocktower Gallery, operating at ARTonAIR.org.

Mami Kataoka on ARTonAIR

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Mami Kataoka on ARTonAIR.org. Originally aired on January 28, 2013.

Mami Kataoka, Chief Curator of the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, presents a lecture, Into the Equilibrium: Understanding the Changing World from an Eastern Perspective, for the fourth Curators Perspective of 2012. This event was produced by Independent Curators International and was held at the New Museum in New York on September 23, 2012.

These programs are produced in partnership with the radio station of the Clocktower Gallery, operating at ARTonAIR.org.

Chus Martínez on ARTonAIR

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Chus Martínez on ARTonAIR.org. Originally aired on February 18, 2013.

Chus Martínez‘s lecture, Belated Aesthetics, Politics, and Animated Matter: Toward a Theory of Artistic Research, addresses knowledge and the principle of skepticism. Recorded on Oct 17, 2012 at CUNY Graduate Center, The Segal Theater.

These programs are produced in partnership with the radio station of the Clocktower Gallery, operating at ARTonAIR.org.

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Kari Conte and Florence Ostende on ARTonAIR

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Kari Conte and Florence Ostende on ARTonAIR.org. Originally aired on March 4, 2013.

A talk with curators Kari Conte and Florence Ostende on their documentation of the longest “exhibition in progress,” do it, the starting point for a discussion on exhibition histories and the rise of self-reflexive exhibitions. Started in 1993, do it employs an open curatorial format questioning the traditional definition of an exhibition as an event limited to a specific time and space.

These programs are produced in partnership with the radio station of the Clocktower Gallery, operating at ARTonAIR.org.

Photos from the event: Dana Levy: belonging/s

Posted on March 16, 2013

Photos from the event: The New York Times Feminist Reading Group, Session II

Posted on March 22, 2013

Photos from the event: “Looking Back: 1993” with Hans Haacke and Irving Sandler

Photos from the event: MAD-LIB[rary] Vol. 2

Posted on April 6, 2013

Photos from the event: Constance Lewallen and Phong Bui

Posted on April 10, 2013

The In-Between: Artists Build New Frameworks for Institutions

Posted on April 13, 2013

The Studio, the Social, and New Financial Architectures for Creative Communities was moderated by Lisa Dent, Creative Capital’s Director of Grants and Services. In this Creative Capital blog post, Dent writes about artists creating new types of institutions, including Matthew Moore’s Digital Farm Collective; Jennifer Monson’s Laboratory for Art, Nature and Dance; and Nick Szuberla’s Campaign for Prison Phone Violence.

“Over the years Creative Capital has noticed that an increasing number of grantees have decided to start their own organizations. We’re realizing that the financial and advisory services we provide our grantees help them not only complete their artistic projects but also find ways to address other needs in our society. These new institutions have focused on issues of social justice, food, product development and critical thinking skills.”

Click here to read the full post.

Questions posed by Edgar Arceneaux

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Prior to his program at ICI’s Curatorial Hub on April 11, Edgar Arceneaux posed the following questions to his Facebook friends, calling on their “collective hive mind”:

Tuesday, April 9:

Dear FB collective hive mind,

Is there a feedback loop between the content of our work and the means of distribution that one uses to market it?
Be it the gallery, store room floor or virtual space of the web. By what metrics would one gauge the health of this feedback loop?
How would you describe it’s characteristics which differ from
1990’s to the 2000’s economic realities?

Together, Let’s figure out the real questions affecting our practices in our 21c. Reality.
Please share your responses below!

Wednesday, April 10:

Dear FB collective hive mind,

Is entrepreneurship considered a value in art practice today? (By entrepreneurship I mean operating openly as an individual business entity aside from the gallery platform)

Thursday, April 11:

What cant be sold? From the last chain of responses,
Market forces appear to be synonymous to entrepreneurship? Though I wonder if this puts all emphasis upon objects in exchange. But what of the other parts, “ideas”, what forces dictate that part of a works distribution?

Photos from the event: The Studio, the Social, and New Financial Architectures

Photos from the event: Rifky Effendy

Posted on April 19, 2013